Friday, January 10, 2020

Stainless Steel Straws 2020

Stainless Steel Straws is an Australian Family Owned Company based in Newcastle NSW.  

Stainless steel straws 2020 logo

We are proud of our independent roots and massively humbled by our success.  It is really a pleasure to be able to offer such an environmentally conscious product that aligns with our own values.  

We trust you will join with many of our established regular customers and help us reduce plastic waste one day at a time.

laser etched stainless steel straws wholesale pricing
Choose coloured stainless steel straws and add your own logo branding at no extra cost
(minimum order quantity 300)

Rising ocean temperatures lead to coral bleaching.  This puts our magnificent Great Barrier Reef under stress, and shatters ancient ecosystems.  

Marine heatwaves are a regular occurrence and add to the pressure from fishing waste, plastic excess and overfishing.  Choosing to use a stainless steel straw is a positive step in the right direction.

plastic bag as jellyfish image with smiley face
Trusting who you give your heart to - love fades, plastic is forever...

Climate change, driven mainly by burning coal, is heating our oceans and threatening delicate marine ecosystems that have evolved over millenia.  

The rapid change in ocean temperature is beyond the scope of evolution - so species adapted for particular conditions fail to thrive.  

Choose to Refuse Plastic

Making considered personal choices and choosing to reuse and refusing excessive plastic helps slow the destruction of natural habitats.

deep ocean waves clean stainless steel straws
Pristine blue ocean waves and foam

Marine sanctuaries and fish regeneration zones help ensure sustainability long term for our precious ocean animals and plants.  

Australia can lead the way protecting our endangered marine life simply by becoming more aware.  Your choice to say no to plastic straws is not just a symbolic gesture.  

Plastic Free July 2020

Real change is made by thought leaders who lead the way - keeping our healthy oceans and coastal lifestyle safe for tomorrow.

Sea Turtle caught in abandoned fishing net
Ocean Turtle caught in abandoned fish net 

Choosing to reuse your stainless steel straw has a real impact on fragile marine habitats across Australia.  Our oceans are not an endless resource, able to be mis-used without a lasting impact on our turtles, dolphins and endangered sharks.  

Zero Waste Plastic Free

Australia's oceans are particularly special and worthy of our attention - as we are blessed with the richest, most diverse life on earth.

Eco awareness to stop logging of rainforests
Token gestures are a thing of the boomer generation>
In 2020 it's time to take action.

Australia's oceans have the most diverse animal and plant populations on the planet.  More creatures call Australian waters home than any other country on earth.  

Deadly accidental entanglement or ingestion of plastic straws is pushing species to the brink of extinction.  Everyday, our plastic waste is causing harm to oceanic wildlife.

Globe of planet earth wrapped in plastic bag
Would you like a plastic bag with that?

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