BUY REUSABLE Stainless Steel Straws ONLINE?
Everyday we throw away enough plastic straws that, if joined end-to-end, they would go around the equator of Earth 2.5 times! That's billions of billions of pieces of plastic clogging our waterways and making life a challenge for our oceans.![]() |
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This is a pretty startling fact. We were shocked too. That's why your wholesale bulk order can help change the world.
If that hasn't got you convinced, here are a few more reasons...
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1. Reusables are more eco-friendly and sustainable. Plastic Never Goes Away. Every single use plastic straw that was ever made, still exists today in some form - it might be broken into smaller pieces, but it still is out there..
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It has just broken down into smaller pieces. We sell straight straws. Marine life and birds are now mistaking these little pieces for food. They can't digest the plastic in their stomach and end up in a lot of pain. Many birds and fish, even whales, are dying from eating plastic.
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And ultimately, plastic has now made its way into the human food chain. So we are eating micro-plastics outselves. Buying bent straws helps with it.
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2. Reusable Drinking straws - like They are healthier. Stop chewing on that petrochemical straw! BUY Stainless Steel Straws ONLINE Australia are non-leaching; there's no BPA, PVC, lead or phthalates.
3. They make drinks look ridiculously good - really luxury! Strong smoothie game, meet stronger smoothie game. Your drinks will look great, and you will attract admiring glances from curious passers by.
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Here's a couple of things to get you started....
1. #refusethestraw when you are out. It's a bit of a tricky habit at the start but you get used to it and it shows businesses what their customers want. By choosing to refuse, you set in motion the intent and begin to manifest a less wasteful consumer culture. It might seem insignificant - but it changes things.
2. Use your Straight Straw, of Bent Straw as much as possible! Every time you use your Coloured Straws, you're saving a straw from going to landfill or ending up in the ocean. Over a lifetime, it's something like 38,000 less straws. Plus, They are nicer to use and healthier than the disposable ones.
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3. Share your pics on social media. Spread the message far and wide! We can be the change for good!
1 - Know your why - why are your buying something? Do you really need it? Are you shopping because you are bored, or out of habit, or to keep up with a trend or your neighbours?
When you pause and question your why, often the delay itself leads to you refusing and not making the purchase. There's a reason marketers have words like "impulse shopping" "up sells" and "cross sells" - and it is because they work. You can just shake your head if you find it challenging to say the actual word NO.
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2 - Focus on the process, not your progress. Or, don't allow your idea of perfection hold you back from sharing your good efforts.
Look, no matter how hard you believe in the power of good intentions, your reduced plastic consumption will most likely not result in shrinkage of the great Pacific Garbage Patch.
We need to stop single use plastic straws.
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